Eliza Cheung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Global Studies) – Intern in Spain
In this internship, I gained valuable opportunity, international insight, lifelong skills and precious references. I become more all rounded and prepared for my career. I could not ask for more!

Allen Chen, Zhejiang University (Material Science and Engineering) – Intern in Spain
In this summer, I have a chance to intern in Incosa, Spain. It is a wonderful experience as I can work with Spanish colleagues, experience the local colorful culture as a local and travel around Spain. I really had a good time there, and this opportunity has broadened my horizons and created a competitive edge for my future school application and job hunting.

Jeffery Hui, The University of Hong Kong (BBA – Law) – Intern in Spain
I got along very well with my colleagues. My colleagues were not all Spanish. They were from different countries and have different cultural backgrounds. And because of this, I got to know more about their cultures and backgrounds.
After exposing to a totally different and totally new culture in a western country like Spain, I have a desire to work in western countries as Spain in future. Because their culture and their lifestyle are totally different from Hong Kong.

Jane Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Energy Engineering) – Intern in Spain
I became more independent and decisive through the difficulties. Grateful things are meeting many friends with different cultural backgrounds and gaining deep insights into the world of Spain culture, including their language, foods, dancing, history and so on. It is really a great and unforgettable experience to me. That makes me to realize which type of lifestyle I want and I would pursue in the future.

Gary Wu, The University of Hong Kong (Mechanical Engineering) – Intern in Spain
After my internship, I can know more about civil projects in overseas market, especially in some developing countries. It encourages me to work abroad after my graduation. Compare in Hong Kong, we might have constructions like tunnel, roads, school or some hospitals. But I think it is more meaningful to work abroad because those infrastructure will be more beneficial to people in developing countries.
I will suggest that more Hong Kong students to join oversea internship program. It might challenge them but I think it worth.

Kennedy Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (English) – Intern in Spain
After joining the oversees Internship programme by Bloom of Youth, I had the first taste of how important equipping ourselves by international exposures is. , I do cherish the chance of this oversees internship opportunity that has shaped me more outlooks from other countries.

Pansy Wong, Lingnan University (Marketing) – Intern in Spain
I learnt to be more independent. The host family is helpful and kind. Overall, I think it is an unforgettable experience for me to have internship in Spain.

Leo Chen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Science) – Intern in Spain
I get to live like a Spanish in this journey. I immerse in the Spanish culture through working, living and experiencing its traditions. It is very different from just traveling.

Yuk Hoi, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong (Biomedical Engineering) – Intern in Spain
Sometimes I would do the project with my employer
together, he always faces the problem, looks for the solution and never escapes. I have strong feelings from his
working attitude.

Fang Qin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University (Electronic Information Engineering) – Intern in Spain
The working culture and living
culture are very different from what I have experience from Hong Kong. The people in Spain and colleges in Spain
are very helpful and are willing to give a hand when I need help.