Stephenie Cheng, The University of Hong Kong (BBA – International Business and Global Management) – Intern in Germany
It was surely a pleasant experience for me.

Amy Yin, The University of Hong Kong (German and Comparative Literature) – Intern in Germany
On the first day of my internship, my supervisor has discussed with me what my objectives are and then he has tailor made some tasks for me.
And more specifically, he has provided me many chances for me to train up my German oral skills. All my communication with my colleagues are in German.
I really enjoy staying at my host mother’s place. She is really friendly, kind and always taking care of me and other interns at her place. We watch world cup together.
I see this internship program as a very important one for me because I’m planning to work in Germany after my graduation.

Sherman Ieong, Hang Seng Management College (Accounting) – Intern in Germany
I got incredible chances to train my presentation skills in this internship. I even had the chance to be interviewed by the television on behalf of the company at the conference.

Jasmine Cheung, CITYU (Law) – Intern in Germany
While media or journalism has nothing to do with my university studies, I enjoyed very much the tasks given because it opened my eyes and it allowed me to pick up various new skills.
Aside from these pre-booked tours, I was fortunate enough to have a nice boss who took us to a village festival, beer gardens and a recreational area called Schliersee. While it may already sound a lot of fun, my time in Germany was indeed absolutely well spent. In the six weeks in Germany, I made full use of my weekends to travel to Berlin, Nuremburg, Hamburg and Stuttgart in Germany, and Innsbruck in Austria. I cannot count how many people I talked to and how many beautiful pictures I have taken during my trips, but those memories were amazing.
In sum, my internship experience in Munich has brought to me more than I expected.

Jacky Chak, Lingnan University (Marketing) – Intern in Germany
I took the chance to travel over 10 European countries. The people I met are certainly the most interesting part of the trips. I make a lot of friends from different countries. I see more of the world and grow more mature.

Dai XiaoYi, Lingnan University (Bachelor of social science) – Intern in Germany
Through this precious opportunity of working and living in Europe, I have gained more than I expected.
I could not possibly be any more fortunate to have such an amazing internship or opportunity in Bremen this summer and all the memories and reflections on my life will be treasured in my heart, forever.

Shirley Lau, Hang Seng Management College (Marketing) – Intern in Germany
This internship has developed a variety of skills, including marketing, organisation and communication skills. These skills are generic, transferable and significantly helpful for every job I am going to take in the future.

Stefanie Au, The University of Hong Kong (English Studies & History) – Intern in Germany
The internship program provides me a chance to grow up more independent and embrace challenges. I learn to take care of myself and not to rely on family. It is an amazing journey!

Eunice Ho, The University of Hong Kong
(International Business and Global Management) – Intern in Germany
I have developed a variety of
skills, including marketing, organisation, communication and presentation skills, and It also provides me a
chance to grow up more independently and embrace challenges. These experiences are truly memorable and
significantly helpful for every step of my life in the future.

Mennie Sam, The Open University of Hong
Kong (English Language Studies) – Intern in Germany
I was very happy during my internship in
Hamburg. People, no matter my hosts and my colleagues, are very nice and friendly, they were also willing to
help me whenever I had questions and difficulties. It was a great and fantastic experience.